A Curious Case
Unboxing the Power of Inquiry
Organisation: Arludo
Target Audience: School Children
Platforms: Youtube, Facebook, Instagram
Imagine that someone places a box in front of you without any explanation. Option A: you leave it where it is and try your hardest not to think about what's inside. Option B: your curiosity quickly develops into an obsession thinking about what could be inside. Option C: your curiosity overwhelms you and before you realise it you are using a chainsaw to cut it open! Curiosity is the desire to know information that you don't currently know and the topic that psychology researcher Kip Elder focuses on in his research. We were so curious about the subject that we decided to make an animation on the topic.
Kip has learned that curiosity is not just an abstract concept but a real feeling. One that can overcome people, leading them to do strange and sometimes dangerous things. Curiosity is a useful trait and something that many companies who want you to click on their products and services like to nurture in their potential customers.
The most enjoyable aspect of this project was designing curiosity. Since it's not something tangible, our challenge was to find a way to depict it that would be instantly recognisable. At its core, curiosity centres around the object of interest, hence the emergence of the enigmatic glowing white ball. We opted for flowing dotted lines to symbolise curiosity, capturing this feeling’s tendency to lead you down unexpected paths, both figuratively and literally. Through the creation of abstract characters, we brought this vision to life. I'm sure you're quite curious about how it all turned out!