Heron Island Virtual Excursion

An educational learning video series for the Southern Cross School of Distance Education

  • Organisation: Southern Cross School of Distance Education

  • Target Audience: School Children

  • Platforms: Internal School Intranet

We are proud to be involved in producing this set of videos and graphics to integrate into a cross-curricular learning resource for school students. The learning resource focuses on the formation, geography and ecology of Heron Island in the Great Barrier Reef region.

The Heron Island story is told through motion graphics and photographs as well as through industry experts. The series is aimed at students, teachers and interested public members.

The Southern Cross School of Distance Education commissioned the animation as an entertaining and educational video resource. The project was designed to meet the brief of fun, modern and informative learning. There was a focus on utilising maps, photos of vegetation types and natural processes in a clear and scientifically accurate way.

Virtual excursions are high-quality learning experiences integrating video and print materials.