School Insight Series

Video series showcasing wellbeing programs in schools across New South Wales

  • Organisation: NSW Department of Education

  • Target Audience: School Teachers

  • Platforms: NSW Department of Education Website & Youtube

We are proud to have worked with the NSW Education Department to showcase wellbeing programs in schools across the state.

The 'School Insight Series' showcases school programs focused on the NSW Education Department's strategic goal that 'Every Student is known, valued, and cared for in our schools'. The series was filmed in 12 schools across metropolitan, rural and remote regions of NSW. The videos covered the areas of Relationships: the heart of wellbeing; Student Decision Making - empowered students, equipped for life; Physical Environment - a place for all; Personalised Learning - enabling all students to succeed; Vulnerable students: every child needs a champion; Transition: embracing change, building the new; Attendance: every day counts; Student Health: healthy body, healthy mind; Targeted Professional Learning: empowering through knowledge.


Binkyfilms produced the series in collaboration with Evonne Webb at the education department. The audience of the series was teachers across the state. We designed the series to inspire this audience to develop their own well-being programs by showcasing a large diversity of students and programs. The production of the series combined travelling and filming at 12 different schools from the Northern Rivers region to Western NSW over a two-month period. The culmination of the project was 12 videos showcasing the 12 key areas that were shared with the teachers accross NSW.